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Antony Gormley

안토니 곰리 (b.1950)

  Antony Gormley is a British artist known for his exploration of the human body’s relationship to space. His popular public sculptures and installations include the monumental Another Place (1997) in Liverpool, Angel of the North (1998) in Gateshead, and Event Horizon (2007) in London. “I've never been interested in making statues,” the artist has said. “But I have been interested in asking what is the nature of the space a human being inhabits.” Born on August 30, 1950 in London, United Kingdom, the artist entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1968 where he met the artists-in-residence Barry Flanagan and Michael-Craig Martin. He then studied at the Central School of Art, Goldsmiths College, and the Slade School of Art, where he graduated in 1979, with his career beginning with a solo exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery two years later. The artist currently lives and works in London, United Kingdom, and was awarded the Turner Prize in 1994, the title of Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in 1997, and Knighthood in 2014. Gormley’s works are included in the collection of the Tate Gallery in London, the Malmö Konsthall in Sweden, and the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas, among others.

  안토니 곰리는 인체와 공간의 관계에 대한 예술적 탐사로 잘 알려진 영국의 예술가이다. 그는 리버풀의 “Another Place” (1997), 게이츠헤드의 “Angel of the North” (1998), 그리고 런던의 “Event Horizon” (2007) 같은 공공 설치 예술로 잘 알려진 작가이다. “저는 조각을 만드는데 관심이 있었던 적은 없어요” 라고 작가는 밝힌다. “하지만 저는 인간이 거주하고 있는 이 공간의 본질에 대한 물음을 던지는 것엔 관심이 있어왔죠.” 1950년 8월 30일 영국 런던에서 태어난 안토니 곰리는 1968년 케임브릿지 Trinity College에 입학하여 그 곳에 입주하여 지내고 있던 배리 플라나간이나 마이클 크레이그-마틴 같은 예술가들과 친분을 쌓는다. 그 후 그는 세인트 마틴 예술대학 (Central School of Art and Design), 런던 골드스미스 대학, 그리고 UCL 슬레이드 예술대학 등에서 공부했고, UCL에서 1979년에 졸업하여 2년 뒤 Whitechapel 갤러리에서 첫 개인전을 가지는 것으로 그의 예술가로서의 첫 발걸음을 내딛는다. 작가는 현재 런던에서 거주하며 작업하는 중이며, 1994년에는 터너 상을, 1997년에는 OBE (왕실수여훈장: Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) 를 수여받고 2014년에는 기사 작위를 받았다. 곰리의 작품들은 런던의 테이트, 스웨덴의 맬모 Konsthall (Malmö), 그리고 달라스의 내셔 조각 센터 등에 소장되어있다.




Born in London, UK


Received degree in Archaeology, Anthropology and History of Art at Trinity College, Cambridge, UK


Attended Central School of Art and Goldsmith's College before completing a postgraduate course in sculpture at Slade School of Art


Awarded the Turner Prize


Awarded the Order of the British Empire


Was an Honorary Doctorate, University of Sunderland


Honorary Fellowship, Goldsmith's College, University of London, UK


Honorary Doctorate, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK


Awarded the South Bank Prize for Visual Art


Civic Trust Award for The Angel of the North


British Design and Art Direction Silver Award for Illustration


Fellow, Royal Society of Arts


Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects


Honorary Doctorate, Open University


Honorary Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, UK


Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, UK


Honorary Doctorate, Cambridge University


Royal Academician


Awarded the Bernhard Heiliger Award for Sculpture


BCSA Structural Steel Design Award


Awarded the Praemium Imperiale Prize in Sculpture

Lives and works in London, UK

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