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Hyunggeun Kim​

金炯菫 김형근

 Hyung-guen Kim was born in 1930 and served as a professor in the Sudo Women's College in Seoul, Korea. He also worked as a member of the board for examination at Korean National Art Exhibition and 98' Korean Painting Grand Exhibition. In 1970, with the title of target board, he won the presidential award and won the 8th O Ji-ho painting prize.
We can find his particulars from a contrast made between its material selection and its technical process. His favorite proposition does not exceed the range of the rural folks.
Compare to the phenomenon that the painters who deal with uncivilized folk stuffs, are not exceeding the ideal line limits, we are still able to find a sort of urbane tastes. He must have pursued the primitive materials not in its ideal boundary bur in the temporary area with its equivalent eyes. In short, he must have seen the folk stuffs through the modern eyes. 
Consequently, in his painting, not plunged into the retrospection caused by the limitation of the primitive material, there is a particular eye that ventilates the uncivilized folk elements with the sense of the modern emotion. These points compensate for a critic theory of the method on how we would level our eyes to see the traditions.

 김형근은 1930년 출생하였고 수도여자사범대학 교수를 역임한 뒤 대한민국 국전 심사위원과 98년 대한민국 미술대전 운영위원 등을 지냈다. 1970년 '과녁'이라는 작품을 통해 대통령상을 수상했으며 제8회 오지호 미술상을 수상하였다.

김형근의 작품의 특징은 소재의 선택과 그것이 기술적 처리에서 오는 상반된 내용에서 찾을 수 있다. 그가 즐겨 다루는 소재는 가장 토속적인 영역을 벗어나지 않는다. 그러나 흔히 이러한 토속적인 소재를 다루고 있는 작가들의 작품이 몹시 취기 어린 관념의 한계를 벗어나지 못하고 있는데 비해 그의 화면은 가장 도시적인 감성의 맑은 기운이 점철되고 있다. 이는 土俗的인 소재를 토속이라는 관념 속에 들어가 파악하는 것이 아니라 현대라는 감성의 눈으로서 추구하는 것이기 때문이리라. 다시 말하면 현대란 세련된 눈을 통해 토속적인 소재를 바라보는 입장이라고 할 수 있다. 때문에 그의 화면엔 토속적인 소재가 갖는 한계로서의 懷古(회고) 취미에 빠져있는 것이 아니라 현대란 감성으로 토속적인 요소들을 환기해주는 독특한 시각이 내재되어 있다. 이 점은 전통을 어떻게 볼 것인가 하는 하나의 비평적인 방법론에 값한다고 할 수 있으리라.


1953    Solo Exhibition (Masan) 
1955    Solo Exhibition (Daegu USA Information Center / Korea Artists Association Exhibition
1959    Invitational Solo Exhibition in Gaecheop Arts Fair (Jinju)
1967    3 Artists Exhibition - Jeong Taek-rim, Song Hye-su, Kim Hyeong-geun (Chungmu)
1969    Korea Leading Artists Exhibition (the National Museum of Contemporary Art)
1971    Commemorative Exhibition for Going to Study in France (Shinsegae Gallery)
1972    Contemporary Gallery Invitational Exhibition (New York Culture Center, USA)
           Contracted with New York CHAPE LTIER GALLERY,  WALLY "F" GALLERY
1973    Graduated Department of Research, American Art School
1975    Exhibition of President Prize-Awarded Artists in Korea National Art Grand Exhibition (Yangji Gallery)
1976    Invitational Exhibition for Opening of Myeongdong Gallery 
           50 Artists Exhibition of Korea Oil Painting (Yangji Gallery)
1977 ~ 1981    Members Exhibition of Korea New Art Society (Sun Gallery)
1977    100 Artists of Korea Oil Painting (Munhwa Gallery) 
           Korea Western Painting Exhibition (National Museum of Art)
           Invitational Solo Exhibition (Hyundai Gallery)
1978    Asia Art Festival (Ueno Gallery, Tokyo) 
1930    Born in Gyeongnam

1930    경남 통영 출생
1957    쳉치대학교 법정수료
1971    뉴욕 아메리칸 미술학과 판화과 수료

1979    도예.도화개인전, 선화랑 
1977    초대개인전, 현대화랑 
1976    개관초대전, 명동화랑 
1972    현대화랑초대전, 미국 뉴욕문화회관 
1971    도불기념전, 신세계화랑 
1959    개천예술제초대개인전, 진주 
1955    개인전, 대구미공보원
1953    개인전, 마산 

2006    예화랑 개관 28주년 특별기획전, 예화랑
1999    한국미술''99-인간.자연.사물, 국립현대미술관 
1994    서울국제현대미술제, 국립현대미술관
1992    92현대미술초대전, 국립현대미술관 
1987    한국인물화전, 호암갤러리 
1986    한국현대미술의어제와오늘전, 국립현대미술관 
1986    86서울미술대전, 국립현대미술관
1985    현대미술40년전, 국립현대미술관 
1985    한국양화70년전, 호암갤러리 
1983 ~ 1987  ''83-''87현대미술초대전, 국립현대미술관 
1982    82한중현대서화전, 국립현대미술관
1978    아시아미술제, 일본 동경 우에노미술관 
1978    서양화7인전, 선화랑 
1978    도화9인전, 문화화랑 
1977    서양화30인전, 문화화랑 
1976    한국유화50인전, 양지화랑 
1977 ~ 1981  한국신미술회회원전, 선화랑 
1975    국전대통령상수상작가전, 양지화랑 
1969    한국현역작가전, 국립현대미술관 
1967    3인전;전택림,송혜수,김형근
1956 ~ 1972  국전입선5회및특선3회, 국립현대미술관 
1955    대한미술가협회전  
1956 ~ 1972    국전 입선 5회 및 특선 3회 (국립현대미술관)
1968    경남문화상 (경상남도) / 제17회 국전특선     
1969    제18회 국전문공부장관상 (문화공보부)
1970    제19회 국전대통령상

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