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​Eunsun Park


 P ark, eun-sun’s works looks smooth and soft so that it is hard to believe they are made of hard stones. The smooth surface means love, and the cracks and fractures mean hatred and sadness. Softness is the last thing one would be generally reminded of from stones; the smooth quality of Park’s works opposite to the stone’s natural character is not only demonstrated on the polished surface but also in the forms of the works. Most of his works are in simple forms such as a circle, a sphere, a rectangle, or a cylinder; through the clarity resulting from these simple figures, he tries to express the pureness of human instincts.  


  작가 박은선은 1965년생으로 경희대학교에서 조소를 전공하고 이탈리아 카라라 예술 국립아카데미를 졸업했다. 2015년 제9회 세계한인의 날 국민훈장 석류장, 2009년 제21회 선 미술상을 받았으며 독일, 룩셈부르크, 프랑스, 이탈리아 등 유럽 전역에서 열린 다양한 초대전, 조각전, 아트페어에 참가했다. 성역화 유적지 조각공원, 태조산 조각공원, 한강 여주보, 수원 월드컵경기장, 국립현대미술관, 서울시립미술관 등에 그의 작품이 소장돼 있으며, 이탈리아 밀라노, 피에트라산타, 베로나, 피사, 미국 마이애미, 스위스 취리히에서도 그의 야외 조각 작품을 감상할 수 있다. 현재 이탈리아를 중심으로 세계를 오가며 활동하고 있다. 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  출처: Artinpost



 - International Award of Sculpture Fratelli Rosselli
 - Order of Cultural Merit od South Korea - Seongnuy Medal
 - Sun Arts Prize


Solo Exhibitions
- International Award ‘Pietrasanta and Versilia in the World’, Pietrasanta, Italy
 - ThePage Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
 - Art Busan 2018, BEXCO Square, Busan, South Korea
- Le Musée Galeria d’Art, La Ville Bernard Boesch, La Baule, France
 - Hotel Principe, Forte dei Marmi, Italy

- Duomo Square, Chiesa e Chiostro di Sant’Agostino, Pontile di Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy
 - Mazzini Square, Viareggio, Italy
 - Vecchiato Arte Gallery, Pietrasanta, Italy
 - City Center, Padua, Italy
 - Vecchiato Arte Gallery, Padua, Italy

 - Korean Cultural Center, Rome, Italy
 - Piazzale Michelangelo, Piazza Pitti, Aeroporto A.Vespucci, Giardino delle Rose, San Miniato al Monte,
 Palazzo Vecchio - Cortile dei Leoni, Florence, Italy

 - Pisa International Airport (Galileo Galilei), Pisa, Italy
 - Forte dei Marmi, Italy
 - Villa Ghirlanda, Cinisello, Milan, Italy
 - Forte di Bard (Museum), Bard, Aosta, Italy
 - Art Center Materima - Studio Copernico, Casalbeltrame, Novara, Italy
- Altes Bad Pfäfers, Bad Ragaz, Switzerland
 - Mark Peet Visser Gallery, Heusden, Netherlands

- Traiano’s Market - Museum of Fori Imperiali, Roma, Italy
 - Lacke&Farben Gallery, Berlin, Germany
- Le Musée Galeria d’Art, La Villa Boesch, Atlantia, La Baule, France
 - City Center, La Baule, France

 - City Center, Lugano, Switzerland
 - Hotel Principe Leopoldo, Lugano, Switzerland
 - Urbengsschlass Gallery, Hesperange, Luxembourg
- ’La Comune de Hesperange’ Park, Hesperange, Luxembourg
 - Materima, Studio Copernico, Casalbetrame, Novara, Italy

 - Villa Bertelli Foundation, Forte dei Marmi, Italy
 - Carlina Gallery, Turin, Italy
- Arena Studio d’Arte, Verona, Italy

 - Miniaci Gallery, Milan, Italy
- 'MARMOMACC 2011’ Henraux Foundation, Verona, Italy


 - City CenterAlba, Miroglio, Alba, Italy
 - City Center, Barolo, Italy
 - Dosi Gallery, Busan, South Korea

 - Marino Marini Museum, Florence, Italy
 - Quattro Mori, Milan, Italy
 - Sun Gallery, SUN Art Center, Seoul, South Korea

 - Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

- ‘La Versiliana’ Park, Pietrasanta, Italy

 - Absolute Art Gallery, Knokke, Belgium
 - Mark Peet Visser Gallery, Heusden, Netherlands
- University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

 - San Giorgio Gallery, Milan, Italy

 - Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

 - Carlina Gallery, Turin, Italy
 - Swinger Art Gallery, Verona, Italy

 - Studio SEM, Pietrasanta, Italy

 - Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
 - RHO Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

- Bernd Dürr Gallery, München, Germany

 - Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

- Bernd Dürr Gallery, München, Germany
- Zehntscheuer Gallery, Münsingen, Germany

 - Gadarte Gallery, Florence, Italy
 - Duemme Gallery, Genoa, Italy



Selected Group Exhibition

 - I Marmi di Henraux, San Miniato, Italy
 - Art Busan BEXCO, Busan, South Korea
 - Monaco Yacht Show, Montecarlo
 - 17th KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul, South Korea

 - Art Fair od Bologna, Italy
- ‘Park Eun Sun e il suo Atelier’, Sala Putti, Chiostro di Sant’Agostino, Pietrasanta, Italy
 - 16th KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul, South Korea

 - Arte Downtown, Padua, Italy
 - Arte Padova 2016, Vecchiato Arte, Padua, Italy
 - 15th KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul, South Korea
 - Sculpture Biennale Changwon, Changwon, South Korea

- BARCU International Art Fair of Bogotá, Bogotá, Columbia
 - Sculpture Triennale, Bad Ragaz, Vaduz, Switzerland
 - FIA International Art Fair of Caracas, Venezuela
 - 14th KIAF Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul, South Korea
 - CONTEXT International Art Fair od Miami, United States of America

- ‘Michelangelo e La Versilia’ Italian Cultural Center, New York, United States of America

- ‘ART STAGE’ Singapore 2014, Singapore
- 13th ‘KIAF' Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul, South Korea

 - Ocean Reef Islands, Panama City, Luz Botero Fine Art Gallery, Panama
 - Seoul Art Show 2013, Seoul, South Korea
- 12th ‘KIAF’ Korea International Art Fair, Coex, Seoul, South Korea
- ‘BERLINER LISTE’ 2013 Contemporary Art Fair, Berlin, Germany
 - The First Biennial of the South in Panama 2013, ‘Summoning Worlds’, Panama
 - K-Sculpture 2013 Korea Sculpture Festival, Fiesole, Italy
- Sun Gallery ‘Korea Abstract’, Sun Art Center, Seoul, South Korea

 - Shanshui Man, Lig Art SpaceSeoul, South Korea
- ‘Tra Cielo e Terra’, Ascona, Switzerland
- ‘Arte Padova 2012' Arena Studio d’arte, Padua, Italy
 - Museum of Art, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
 - Art Fair Bologna 2012, Galleria Carlina, Bologna, Italy
 - K-Sculpture 2012 Korea Sculpture Festival, Pietrasanta, Italy

- 'Sign Off Design’, Slide Art, Venice, Italy
 - 29th Korean Galleries Art Fair, Seoul, South Korea
 - Versilia Wine Arte, Pietrasanta, Italy
- 'Sign Off Design’, Palazzo delle Esposizione, Turin, Italy

 - 28th Korean Galleries Art Fair, Busan, South Korea
- 'Scultura in Valigia’, Insa Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
 - Museo del Vino, Barolo, Italy
 - Marmo Fiera, CosMave, Carrara, Italy

 - (New acquisitions 2008) National Museum of Contemporary and Modern Art, South Korea
 - 'Scultura in Valigia', Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Alabama, United States of America

 - I Segreti...del Mestiere - Artisti per il Duomo, Pitrasanta, Italy
 - Scultura Internazionale - Scultura Natura Oriente Occidente 2008, Turin, Italy
 - Oisterwijk Sculture 2009, Entienne&Van den Del, Expressivee Contemporary Art, Netherlands
 - 17 Artisti Rappresentanti Coreani di Oggigiorno, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

- ‘Sculpture in the Garden’, Harold Martin Botanical Gardens, University of Leicester, England

- Art Fair ‘LINEART’, Ghent, Belgium
 - Holland Art Fair 2006 (HAF), DenHaag, Netherlands
 - Salon Primavera Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
 - Sculture EN PLEIN AIR, Turin, Italy
 - Absolute Art Gallery, Brugge, Belgium

 - MPV Gallery, Heusden, Netherlands
 - Art Fair, Studio Copernico, Verona, Italy
- ‘I Segni e le Forme, Due Passi nell’Arte’, Pietrasanta, Italy
- Scultura ‘Amor Marmoris’, Levigliani, Italy
 - Arte Fiera, Sangiorgio Gallery, Bari, Italy
 - The 5th Anniversary Exhibition of Samsung TESCO, Insa Art Center, Seoul, Corea del Sud
- 'The Best of...’, Insa Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

-‘The Milano International Modern Arts Show’, Palazzo della Permanente, Milano, Italia

 - Park Ryu Sook 20th Anniversary, Seoul, South Korea
- ‘Sculpture in the Garden’, Harold Martin Botanical Gardens, University of Leicester, England
- Art Fair ‘Bologna 2003’, Galleria Carlina, Bologna, Italia
- Art Fair ‘MIART’, Galleria Carlina, Swinger Art, Milano, Italia
 - Art Fair, Swinger Art Gallery, Verona, Italy
 - Magnetismi delle Forme, Scultori in Centrale ENEL Santa Barbara di Capriglia, Italy
- ‘Arte per la Vita’, Hotel Kraft, Florence, Italy
 - Heiri Festival 2003, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
- ‘Sculture Carezzate da un Vento Etrusco’, ENEL, Piombino, Italy

- Art Fair ‘Cologne’, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- Art Fair ‘Altissima’, Turin, Italy
- Art Fair ‘Post’, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
 - World Cup Stadium Installation, Suwon, South Korea
- ‘L’acqua e la vita, Magnetismi delle Forme’, ENEL, Italy

- Art Fair ‘Cologne’, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- Bell’Arte Gallery, Maastricht, Netherlands

- Arte Fiera ‘Cologne’, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- Die45, Kunst Messe München2000, Germany
- Bell’Arte Gallery, Maastricht, Netherlands
 - Arte&Città 2000, Bologna, Italy

- Arte Fiera ‘Cologne’, Park Ryu Sook Gallery, Cologne, Germany
- Bell’Arte Gallery, Maastricht, Netherlands

- Arte Fiera ‘Basel', Switzerland
 - Sculture On The Wall, Galleria Sai, Seoul, South Korea
 - The Swiss Grand Hotel 10thAnniversary&GalleriaSamtuh’s, Seoul, South Korea
- ‘L’Infinito Possibili’, Pianeta Azzurro Museum, Rome, Italy
 - Park Ryu Sook Gallery 15th Anniversary, Seoul, South Korea

 - Unformed, 4 Scultori, Gain Galley, Seoul, South Korea
 - Mostra di Scultura in omaggio a SEM, Pietrasanta, Italy

- Open Arte96 München Bernd Dürr Gallery, München, Germany
 - Chilford Hall, Cambridge, Englan
- ‘Two Sculptors’, Galleria Ars Polonia, Varsavia, Poland
- In attesa dell’Alba, Pietrasanta, Italy
 - Scultori e Pittori Contemporanei, Zehntscheuer, Germany

 Il Gatto, Florece, Italy
 Art Fair ‘MIART’, Milan, Italy
 1st Natura ut Scultura, Camaiore, Italy

- Pietra Lavorata, San Nicolò, Italy
- Cardo D’Argento, Florence, Italy

 - Hoo In Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
 - Ho-Am SamSung Art Museum, Seoul, South Korea

 - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, South Korea



Public Collections

- Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Daegu, South Korea
 - Samsung Tesco, South Korea
 - Samsung Raemian APT, South Korea
 - Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Seoul, South Korea
 - Hana Bank, Seoul, South Korea
 - Hyundai Development Co. I-Park, South Korea
 - Samsung Tower Palace, Seoul, South Korea
 - Rexfield Country Club, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
 - Gyeonggi-do Sanctuary Sculpture Park, South Korea
 - Taejosan Sculpture Park, Cheonan, South Korea
 - Suwon World Cup Stadium, Suwon, South Korea
 - Woongjin Think BIG Co., Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
 - LG Konjiam Country Club, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
 - Lakehills Country Club, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
 - Byblos Art Hotel Villa Amista, Verona, Italy
 - Royal Caribbean Cruise (Votage of the Seas), Miami, United States of America
 - Radiance, Miami, United States of America
 - BALLI BALLI SRL, Milan, Italy
 - GUNA, Milan, Italy
- University of Zürich, Switzerland
- Museo dei Bozzetti, Pietrasanta, Italy
 - Jang Heung Art Park Museum, South Korea
 - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Seoul, South Korea
 - Seoul Metropolitan Museum of ART, Seoul, South Korea
 - Dong-A PHARMACEUTICAL CO. LTD, Suwon, South Korea
 - Materima,Casalbetrame,Novara,Italy
 - Han Gang River, YeoJu Bo,Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
 - Sede Centrale della Banca Regionale Europea di Turin, Italy
 - Museo del Barolo, Barolo, Italy
 - Henraux Foundation, Italia
 - Commune de Hesperange, Luxembourg
 - National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Seoul, South Korea
- Le Musée Galeria d’Art - La Villa Boesch, La Baule, France
 - Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Rome, Italy
 - Basilica di San Miniato al Monte, Florence, Italy
 - Kim Chong Yung Museum, Seoul, South Korea




 Antonella Serafini, Materia e Forma, Catalogo della mostra, 6-20May, Firenze
 Nicola Bacci, L' venuto dalla corea, Il Tirreno, August
 Paolo Mamone Capria, Edizione del MIART, 5August

 Künstier aus kores stellen in Münsinger, Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, 31 May
 Quel marmo coreano, in La Repubblica, 9 January
 Ryu Byeong Hak, Riesen-bild-saule, Catalog della mostra, June, Zehntscheuer
 Jochen Meyder, Eun Sun Park Arbeiten in Marmor, Catalogo della mostra, June, Zehntscheuer
 Mitarbeiterin Christina Holz, Rundschau, 4June
 Reutlinger General-Anzeige, Steine beginnen zu sprechen, 4 June

 Choi Tae Man, Assembly and Expulsion:Post-minimalist Impulse, Catalogo della mostra, Seoul
 Kim Seong Ho, Unformed, Wolgan misool , October
 Jo woo seok, Park Eun Sun,sculture , Color-Field Abstract, MoonHwa ILbo, 4November
 Kim Gyeong A, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Wolgan misool, Dicember

 Giuseppe Cordoni, Guardando al dinamismo dell'idea di struttura, Catalogo della mostra, San Giovanni in Persiceto

 Yu Jae gil, Infinite Column, Catalog della mostra, Seoul
 Son Su Ho, 'Geometrical cylinder' opened a new era of beauty, GukMin Ilbo, 25 May
 Lee Seong Gu, Broken marble’s ‘order in Caos’, Hankook Economy, 28 May
 Jo Hyun Uk, Infinite world in simplicity, JoongAng Ilbo, 29May
 Pyeon Wan Sik, 'Persuit of infinite space’ repetition of simple circle, Segye Ilbo, 29May
 Lee Yong, 'Infinite column'series, KyungHyang ShinMun, 29May
 Park Pa Rang, ‘Noble simplicity' of infinite column, art inCULTURE , July
‘Coexistence of order and discord’ infinite column, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Dong A Ilbo, 30May
 Sin Hye Young, Infinite column from duality, Wolgan misool, July
 Go Chung Hwan, Harmony of mythological world, art in CULTURE, July

 Park Eun Sun, sculture,exibart,12June
 Enzo Fabiani, Le scelte di Park Eun Sun, Catalogo della mostra, Verona
 Luigi Marsiglia, Frammenti del tempo, Catalogo della mostra, Verona
 Alice Bertolinl, LUXURY style of life, settember

 Go Chung Hwan, Object, universe, exist from a single module, Catalogo della mostra, Seoul
 Go Chung Hwan, Park Eun Sun -sculture,Catalo della mostra, seoul
 Yu Jae gil, Birth and changes of infinite column, Wolgan misool , March
 Pyeon Wan Sik, Marble to tell the life of human being, Segye Ilbo , March
 Jang Jae Jin, Life and space, the soft-meeting ground, Financial news, March
 Lee Seong Gu, Natural beauty of burst and crack, Hankook Economy, March
 Lee Gwang Hyeong, ‘Beauty of emptiness’ in marble , GukMin Ilbo , March
 Kim Yoon Seop, Circular tremolo, the privatization of life and space, Art Praice, April
 Park Eun Sun, sculture, Joongang Ilbo, 3March
 Park Eun Sun, sculture, Impressive changes of geometric marble, Seoul Economy, 8March

 Domenico Montalto, Sky of stone ; Tradition and research in the art of Park Eun Sun, Catalog della mostra, Milano
 Lee Ken Shu, Movement within Tranquility, Andante or Allegro ,Catalogo della mostra, Milano

 Stefano De Franceschi, L'offerta di Park Eun Sun, VersiliaProduce, Dicember
 Maurizio Calvesi, SCULTURE EN PLELN ALR, Catalogo della mostra, Limone Piemonte 8February-12March

 Luciano Caramel, Park Eun Sun. Beauty ,harmonies, balances and “stories to listen to” , Catalogo della mostra, Marina di Pietrasanta
 Lidia Kuscar, Le forma di Park Eun Sun popolano la Versiliana, il Giornale , 22August
 Francesco Dal Pino,MostraPark Eun Sun,Italia Discovery,August
 Giulio Conti Nigra, Park Eun Sun La Versilia, RD'A, Lug-Ago-Settember
 Choi Tae Man,The Form of Moderation Between Perfection and Exception,Moving from Closeness to Openness,Catalogo della mostra,Seoul

 Gana Art Gallery, Park Eun Sun, sculture,neolook, Seoul
 No Jeong Yong, Emerging strong power from cracks, Park Eun Sun, sculture, Financial new, 24March
 Pyeon Wan Sik, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Segye Ilbo , 24March
 Ko Wan Seok, Meeting between East and West, YTN international, 13:50, 14 August

 Moon So Young, Museo Marino Marini,Park Eun Sun,sculture, Seoul Magazine ,10,April
 Choi Tae Man,Between construction and implosion, Catalogo della mostra,Firenze/Milano
 Enzo Fabiani,Shapes of heaven and earth, Catalogo della mostra,Firenze/Milano
 Lee Jae Eon, Circilar reflectionof construction and dissolution, Catalog della mostra, Seoul
 Emanuele Lavizzari,A tavola con l'arte, DEvinis, June/August
 Choi Tae Man, Between construction and dissolution, Wolgan misool , May
 Luigi Marsiglia,Tra cielo e terra, ARTE in, Aprile-May
 Wang Jin Oh, The director of colour-line evidenced pictorial space Park Eun Sun, ART WAVE, November
 Kim Ji Won, Park Eun Sun, sculture, Hankook Ilbo , 22 March
 Alberto Figliolia, mostra ai “Quatro Mori”di Milano, 'lGagetin Giornale, 02 Settember
 Kang Min Young, Geometric fragment stones which containnatural breath, Sportworld, 10 November
 Yoo Sang Woo, Park Eun Sun,sculture,Newsis, 03 November
 Hwang Hee Kyung, Exhibition of the Sun award, Korea tourism organization, 04November
 Kim Young Dae, Woodlike treated granite , No cut news, 04 November
 Lee Young Ran, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Herald Economy, 05 November
 The endless desire of artist..., GukMin Ilbo,08 November
 Kim Kyung Gap, Prize of the Sun award, Hankook Economy, 10 November
 Combination of bizarre streaks... Park Eun Sun, sculture, Hankook Magazine,17 November
 Jeon Hae Won, Eastern abstract philosophy, Asia today, 20 November
 Lee Jae Un, Circular reflection of construction and dissolution, Misulsegye, November
 Pyeon Wan Sik, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Segye Ilbo ,05 November

 Lee Sang Heon, The double sense of the smooth marble, Busan Ilbo, 11 March
 Lee Do Lee, Park Eun Sun,sculture,ARTSnews, 12 March
 Lee Young Ran, ‘Accumulated circles become the line of life ’, 29 March
 Park Eun Sun ad Aiba ;mostra ed installazione,targatocn,24Settember
 Alberto Fiz meets, ‘Open space towards the infinite duet’, Wolgan misool , October-November
 Roberto Mori, Quando gli opposti coincidono, ARTE in, October-November
 Alberto Fiz meets, The imperfection of the form,Catalogo della mostra, Alba
 Flaminio Gualldoni, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Catalogo della mostra, Alba
 Lee Young Ran, Park Eun Sun,sculture,Herald Economy, 20 October
 Jo Sang In, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Seoul Economy, 03 October
 Lee Young Ran, 'The invitation from the Feast of Alba ', The Korea Herald, 19 October
 Eun Sun Park conquista l'Alba, Il Tirreno, 10 October 
 Kim Yong Ju, ,Junior high school Book,Jihaksa,January
 MONUMENTAL ABSTRACT Contemporary Sculpture in Marble,The ARKAD Foundation, November

 Lodovico Gierut,Versilia Win Art,20-21 March
 Paolo Rombardi, Henraux si presenta con le scculture di Park Eun Sun, IL TIRRENO, 21 September
 Paolo Carli, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Catalogo della mostra,Verona
 Costantino Paolicchi, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Catalogo della mostra,Verona
 Luigi Marsiglia, Le dolonne di Ltaca,Catalog o della mostra,Milano
 Giuseppe Cordoni,LE DIMORE DELL'ARMONIA,Catalogo della mostra,Milano
 Museo dei Bozzetti “Pierluigi Gherardi” Pietrasanta,Catalogo a cura di Chiara Celli e Valentina Fogher
 G. Cordoni,L. Marsiglia, Catalog della mostra,Torino

 G. Cordoni,L. Marsiglia, Catalogo della mostra,May,Torino
 Ambra Tuci ,Synthesis of Memories', ARTE IN,May
 Con Park Eun Sun si Parla di scultura,LA NAZIONE,31 May 
 Un incontro “tra Amici” sull'arte coreana,IL TIRRENO ,31 May 
 Giuliano Rebechi,IL TIRRENO,01 June 2012
 Enrico Mattei,LA FRAGILITÀ DEL TEMPO , Catalogo della mostra,July
 Luciano Caprile,LA FRAGILITÀ DEL TEMPO , Catalog o della mostra,July
 Jo Sang In, Italy, the Mecca of sculpture is fancy of Korean Art , Seoul Economy, 11 July
 Arte contemporanea Forte 012. La mostra di Park Eun Sun,STAMP Toscana,13, July
 Lee Young Ran, The city of Michelangelo got Korean artist,Herald Economy,14 July
 Vent'anni di scultura,IL TIRRENO,14 July
 Sin Se Mi , Korean Sculpture in the Mecca of sculpture: Italy MoonHwa Ilbo.01,August
 Lee Young Ran, Europe interested in Korean sculpture. Herald Economy. 20,August
 Giovanni Faccenda,A Monumental Elegance,ARTE in ,August-Setpember
 Valeria Caldelii , Dall' infanzia la sfera magica dell' armonia,LA NAZIONE,01 September
 Wolgan misool , 20 years of Park EunSun's footstepin Italy,Enrico Mattei,September
 Luciano Caprile, La fragilità del tempo, Quarterly publication “Sculpture”,,August-Setpember-October

 HUMAN NATURE DE Park Eun Sun, Catalogo della mostra, June-July- August
 MONUMENTAL,Catalogo della mostra, June-July- August
 Luigi Marsiglia,nuove forme, Catalogo della mostra, June-July- August-September
 Lee Young Ran, Park Eun Sun,sculture. Herald Economy. 11.June
 RTL T' el' e L' etzetzebuerg,kultur Agenda,TV ,Lussemburgo,17;25 June
 KBS 1 TV Documentary, Age of Global Success ,korea, 17;10,June
 Sonia da Silva, :touts,contiurs et détours,Luxemburger Wort,8 July
“Human Nature” in Hesperingen,Luxemburger Wort,17 July
 Lucian Caprile,L’inebriante e tormentata ricerca dell’equilibrio,catalogo della mostra,Lugano,ottobre-novembre

 Gabriele Simongini,Park Eun Sun Radicant sculptures,Silvana Editoriale,September -novembre
 Luciano Caprile, Park Eun Sun and the paths of imperfection,September -novembre
 Lidia Lombardi,Innesti e commissioni di Park Eun Sun in mostra ai Mercati Traiano, IlTempo, 08 november
 Gabriele Simongini,Le chiavi di Roma, IL Tempo, 23 Septembre
 Vladimir Markow,Park Eun Sun ai Mercati Traiano, Insideart,13 Octobre
 Kim Mi Li,Lo sculture che ha costruito una colonna coreana nelle rovine romane.Chosun ilbo,06 november 
 Adolfo Lippi, Lo scultore coreano che ha messo radici nella piccola Atene, IL TIRRENO,07 dicembre

 Giugliano Doady, Pisa e Firenze,sboccia l’amicizia,IL TIRRENO, 28 June
 Sin Se Mi, L’artista coreano Park Eun Sun all’aeroporto di Pisa, Munhwa Ilbo, 27,July
 Lee Hyun woo,park eun sun aeroporto di Pisa , Hankookilbo, 09 October
 Han yunjeong, Park Eun Sun, Kyunghyang, 10 October
 Cho Sangin, Park Eun Sun Order of Civil Merit, Seoul Economic Daily, 25 november 



Park Eun Sun,sculture,exibart,12June
Enzo Fabiani, Le scelte di Park Eun Sun, Catalogo  della mostra, Verona
Luigi Marsiglia, Frammenti del tempo, Catalogo  della mostra, Verona
Alice Bertolinl, LUXURY style of life, settember

Go Chung Hwan, Object, universe, exist from a single module, Catalogo  della mostra, Seoul
Go Chung Hwan, Park Eun Sun -sculture,Catalo  della mostra, seoul
Yu Jae gil, Birth and changes of infinite column, Wolgan misool , March
Pyeon Wan Sik, Marble to tell the life of human being, Segye Ilbo , March
Jang Jae Jin, Life and space, the soft-meeting ground, Financial news, March
Lee Seong Gu, Natural beauty of burst and crack, Hankook Economy, March
Lee Gwang Hyeong, ‘Beauty of emptiness’ in marble , GukMin Ilbo , March
Kim Yoon Seop, Circular tremolo, the privatization of life and space, Art Praice, April
 Park Eun Sun,sculture, Joongang Ilbo, 3March
Park Eun Sun,sculture, Impressive changes of geometric marble, Seoul Economy, 8March

Domenico Montalto, Sky of stone;Tradition and research in the art of Park Eun Sun,Catalog della mostra, Milano
Lee Ken Shu, Movement within Tranquility,Andante or Allegro ,Catalogo  della mostra, Milano

Stefano De Franceschi, L'offerta di Park Eun Sun, VersiliaProduce, Dicember
Maurizio Calvesi, SCULTURE EN PLELN ALR, Catalogo della mostra, Limone Piemonte 8February-12March

Luciano Caramel, Park Eun Sun.Beauty,harmonies,balances and “stories to listen to” , Catalogo  della mostra, Marina di Pietrasanta
Lidia Kuscar, Le forma di Park Eun Sun popolano la Versiliana, il Giornale , 22August
Francesco Dal Pino,MostraPark Eun Sun,Italia Discovery,August
Giulio Conti Nigra, Park Eun Sun La Versilia, RD'A, Lug-Ago-Settember
Choi Tae Man,The Form of Moderation Between Perfection and Exception,Moving from Closeness to Openness,Catalogo della mostra,Seoul

Gana Art Gallery, Park Eun Sun,sculture,neolook, Seoul
No Jeong Yong, Emerging strong power from cracks, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Financial new, 24March
Pyeon Wan Sik, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Segye Ilbo , 24March
Ko Wan Seok, Meeting between East and West, YTN international, 13:50, 14 August


Moon So Young, Museo Marino Marini,Park Eun Sun,sculture, Seoul Magazine ,10,April
Choi Tae Man,Between construction and implosion, Catalogo  della mostra,Firenze/Milano
Enzo Fabiani,Shapes of heaven and earth, Catalogo  della mostra,Firenze/Milano
Lee Jae Eon, Circilar reflectionof construction and dissolution, Catalog della mostra, Seoul
Emanuele Lavizzari,A tavola con l'arte, DEvinis, June/August
Choi Tae Man, Between construction and dissolution, Wolgan misool , May
Luigi Marsiglia,Tra cielo e terra, ARTE in, Aprile-May
Wang Jin Oh, The director of colour-line evidenced pictorial space Park Eun Sun, ART WAVE, November
Kim Ji Won, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Hankook Ilbo , 22 March
Alberto Figliolia, mostra ai “Quatro Mori”di Milano, 'lGagetin Giornale, 02 Settember
Kang Min Young, Geometric fragment stones which containnatural breath, Sportworld, 10 November
Yoo Sang Woo,Park Eun Sun,sculture,Newsis, 03 November
Hwang Hee Kyung, Exhibition of the Sun award, Korea tourism organization, 04November
Kim Young Dae, Woodlike treated granite , No cut news, 04 November
Lee Young Ran, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Herald Economy, 05 November
The endless desire of artist..., GukMin Ilbo,08 November
Kim Kyung Gap, Prize of the Sun award, Hankook Economy, 10 November
Combination of bizarre streaks... Park Eun Sun,sculture, Hankook Magazine,17 November
Jeon Hae Won, Eastern abstract philosophy, Asia today, 20 November
Lee Jae Un, Circular reflection of construction and dissolution,Misulsegye, November
Pyeon Wan Sik, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Segye Ilbo ,05 November

Lee Sang Heon,The double sense of the smooth marble,Busan Ilbo, 11 March
Lee Do Lee,Park Eun Sun,sculture,ARTSnews, 12 March
Lee Young Ran, ‘Accumulated circles become the line of  life ’, 29 March
Park Eun Sun ad Aiba ;mostra ed installazione,targatocn,24Settember
Alberto Fiz meets, ‘Open space towards the infinite duet’, Wolgan misool , October-November
Roberto Mori, Quando gli opposti coincidono, ARTE in, October-November
Alberto Fiz meets,The imperfection of the form,Catalogo  della mostra, Alba
Flaminio Gualldoni, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Catalogo  della mostra, Alba
Lee Young Ran, Park Eun Sun,sculture,Herald Economy, 20 October
Jo Sang In, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Seoul Economy, 03 October
Lee Young Ran, 'The invitation from the Feast of Alba ', The Korea Herald, 19 October
Eun Sun Park conquista l'Alba, Il Tirreno, 10 October 
Kim Yong Ju, ,Junior high school Book,Jihaksa,January
MONUMENTAL ABSTRACT Contemporary Sculpture in Marble,The ARKAD Foundation, November
Lodovico Gierut,Versilia Win Art,20-21 March
Paolo Rombardi, Henraux si presenta con le scculture di Park Eun Sun, IL TIRRENO, 21 September
Paolo Carli, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Catalogo   della mostra,Verona
Costantino Paolicchi, Park Eun Sun,sculture, Catalogo della mostra,Verona
Luigi Marsiglia, Le dolonne di Ltaca,Catalog o della mostra,Milano
Giuseppe Cordoni,LE DIMORE DELL'ARMONIA,Catalogo  della mostra,Milano
Museo dei Bozzetti “Pierluigi Gherardi” Pietrasanta,Catalogo a cura di Chiara Celli e Valentina Fogher
G. Cordoni,L. Marsiglia, Catalog della mostra,Torino

G. Cordoni,L. Marsiglia, Catalogo  della mostra,May,Torino
Ambra Tuci ,Synthesis of Memories', ARTE IN,May
Con Park Eun Sun si Parla di scultura,LA NAZIONE,31 May 
 ,Un incontro “tra Amici” sull'arte coreana,IL TIRRENO ,31 May 
Giuliano Rebechi,IL TIRRENO,01 June 2012
Enrico Mattei,LA FRAGILITÀ DEL TEMPO , Catalogo  della mostra,July
Luciano Caprile,LA FRAGILITÀ DEL TEMPO , Catalog o della mostra,July
Jo Sang In, Italy, the Mecca of sculpture is fancy of Korean Art , Seoul Economy, 11 July
Arte contemporanea Forte 012. La mostra di Park Eun Sun,STAMP Toscana,13, July
Lee Young Ran, The city of Michelangelo got Korean artist,Herald Economy,14  July
,Vent'anni di scultura,IL TIRRENO,14 July
Sin Se Mi , Korean Sculpture in the Mecca of sculpture: Italy MoonHwa Ilbo.01,August
Lee Young Ran, Europe interested in Korean sculpture. Herald Economy. 20,August
Giovanni Faccenda,A Monumental Elegance,ARTE in ,August-Setpember
Valeria Caldelii , Dall' infanzia la sfera magica dell' armonia,LA NAZIONE,01  September
Wolgan misool , 20 years of Park EunSun's footstepin Italy,Enrico Mattei,September
 Luciano Caprile, La fragilità del tempo, Quarterly publication “Sculpture”,,August-Setpember-October

HUMAN NATURE DE Park Eun Sun, Catalogo  della mostra, June-July- August
MONUMENTAL,Catalogo  della mostra, June-July- August
Luigi Marsiglia,nuove forme, Catalogo  della mostra, June-July- August-September
Lee Young Ran, Park Eun Sun,sculture. Herald Economy. 11.June
RTL T' el' e L' etzetzebuerg,kultur Agenda,TV ,Lussemburgo,17;25 June
KBS 1 TV Documentary, Age of Global Success ,korea, 17;10,June
Par Sonia da Silva, <Human Natuure>:touts,contiurs et détours,Luxemburger Wort,8 July
“Human Nature” in Hesperingen,Luxemburger Wort,17 July


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